Far East Capital Newsletter
Subdued Diggers & Dealers is reflective of the Sentiment Oscillator
12 Aug 2018

In This Issue

Subdued Diggers & Dealers is reflective of the Sentiment Oscillator

I have read some puzzling emails from parties who went to Diggers & Dealers this year, saying how positive the sentiment was. They must have been hanging out in different booths and bars to the ones I was in. Maybe it suits them to try and wind people up.

In reality it was rather subdued this year, which is a reflection of the state of the mining equities markets. There was a lack of overseas people in the 2,300 delegates, particularly on the money side. No-one seems to be running around trying to find the hot buys of 2018. There was no FOMO. Rather, it was a measured consideration of the opportunities.

That is not to say that the industry is down in the dumps. It is not as if companies are going broke - except for those that have made operational errors. Most producers are doing well and explorers are making reasonable progress, with the usual mixture of winners and losers. It is just that “doing well” is not enough to get the punters wound up at present. Enthusiasm is subdued and the market is boring. 

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